God has Tattoos & Piercings

"Don't get tattoos, Don't get piercings" the religious folks would say. But God has them. The only difference between Jesus' tattoos and piercings and most people's is that His aren't frivolous. They hold great value and are symbolic of His love for us. I must also add that His piercings aren't cute either. He went to great lengths to get them on Calvary's cross. The crown of thorns on His head, the nails in His hands, the nails in His feet, the spear in His side...He did it all for you. In chaotic times like this, when we feel alone, forgotten, and helpless, I hope this image remains clear in our heads. God loves us. I pray that we come to understand how far-reaching, deeply intimate, and endless this love is in this season (Ephesians 3:18-19 TPT).

"But Dara, I've lost my job. I'm depressed. I'm hungry. I'm frustrated". God sees you. He has tattooed your name on His palms and you're always on His mind (Isaiah 49:16). The interesting thing about this period is that it really is a challenging time for all of us, the challenges are just in varying degrees. I was thinking to myself the other day how this situation is really a testament to one of those sayings we always hear in church that,"if God is all you have, you have everything you need". Nobody really understands what is going on, and while many people have tried to come up with biblical explanations saying that God is punishing the world for its sin and blah blah blah, they only sound biblically illiterate. Jesus already bore our punishment on the cross, so we don't have to bear anything (Psalms 111:9, 1 Timothy 2:6). Can I just say that it is okay not to understand what's going on. As I grow in my relationship with God, I'm learning that sometimes I may not have all the answers, but that doesn't change the fact that God is in control and that He loves me (Isaiah 54:10). So, I can rest in that, WE can rest in that.

I pray for strength for us through this period. Strength not just to survive but to also thrive. As gloomy as this period may be, I strongly believe that it is a season of planting for us as believers. A season where the old is being uprooted to make room for the new. A season where God's glory will be revealed in our different spheres of influence (at work, school, industry, communities, & nations) (Isaiah 60:1, Habakkuk 2:14). Please don't shutdown during this period, rather spend time with God. Ask Him what He'll have you do to maximize this season. As you dwell in the secret place of the Most High, realize that you're not just covered from evil, but that there are also secrets to be revealed (Psalm 91:1). Ask Him and He will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come (Jeremiah 33:3 NLT).

God has tattoos and piercings- He loves you!


  1. Great article... "God has tattooed our names on His palms"...

    1. Thank you! :) What a privilege it is to be loved by God.


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