
The media does what it does best, which is, sell fear. Let's be real, how often do we hear good news on the news? From health to politics to the economy to immigration, you name it, it's all negative. So, in the midst of all these happenings, especially in light of the corona virus, just wanted to remind you that as believers we are covered. This is not to downplay the situation or say you shouldn't do what you're supposed to do like eating healthy, staying hydrated, and washing your hands, but this is to say don't give in to fear. With schools getting shut down, grocery stores running out of supplies, and workplaces switching to working remotely, it is very easy to cave in. But as believers, we must learn to take our stand in situations like this. The scripture that readily comes to mind about protection in times like this is Psalm 91. Please take time to meditate on the entire chapter but I will share a few of my favorite verses below to encourage you.

1. God has promised us rest: verse 1 says,"Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find REST in the shadow of the Almighty". In other words, if you've named Jesus as Lord, you abide in Him. Hence, there is no reason to fear, worry, or be anxious. However, we must be intentional about maintaining our peace. So if it means you staying off the news, social media or even certain people (YES), for sometime, please do that.

2. We have a covenant of health with God: verse 3 says, "He will protect you from deadly disease", and verse 6-7 goes on to say "Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday. Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you". This is literally God speaking to us, and He can never lie (Numbers 23:19, Psalm 89:34). Moreover, when Jesus died on that cross of Calvary, he bore our sicknesses and diseases (Matthew 8:17), so why should you carry what Jesus has already carried? Beyond what science has attained or ever will, we have supernatural health and healing. So, tap into it! In the midst of the fear going on, please don't start confessing negatively about having the virus just because you coughed or sneezed or someone around you did.

3. God has promised us long life (Psalm 91:16): like my pastor always says "I cannot die like a chicken". This may seem like a funny quote, but it carries revelation. Because anyone who grew up in the part of the world that I did knows how during festive periods, families will buy live chickens or receive them as gifts, and would feed those chickens well in preparation for the day they will be slaughtered and used to make delicious fried chicken lol. In other words, these chickens die unexpectedly. But not us! As believers, God has promised us long, full, and healthy lives. In other words, we would only leave this earth after we've fulfilled purpose and are ready to go. Studying the lives of men of old in the bible, we see this pattern. About Abraham, it was said "he died at a ripe old age, having lived a long and satisfying life. He breathed his last and joined his ancestors in death" (Genesis 25:8). About Job, it was said "Then he died, an old man who had lived a long, full life" (Job 42:17). About Moses, he "was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone" (Deuteronomy 34:7). These stories are not fiction, for me they paint a picture of God's desire for my life. So, I receive it! I declare this is my testimony and yours too.

You are covered!


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