Real Conversations: Dealing With Depression

The tightness in your chest, like something heavy is weighing against it. The feeling of hopelessness, unworthiness, worthlessness, frustration, confusion...Depression; it manifests itself in ways, sometimes, words can't express. We've all been there before or maybe you're even going through it right now. As much as we Christians don't like to admit it, depression is real. Many times, we confuse faith with denial. But refusing to acknowledge something isn't faith, that's fake. Furthermore, how can restoration and healing start when we live in denial?

So, "what's the alternative?" you may ask. Number one is acknowledgement. Before I started writing this post, the first thing I asked myself and even researched was, "why did God give us emotions?". If it wasn't okay to feel certain emotions, why did God give them to us in the first place? Asking these questions also brought to mind something I learned from a book I read recently, which is that, emotions in themselves are not good or bad, rather it is the outcome or actions taken from them which make them either or. As simple as this lesson is, it's very profound, because we have the tendency to categorize emotions, and as Christians especially, we always feel bad for having "negative" emotions. But can I say to you today, that, it is okay to feel. Emotions are a gift from God; they help us make sense of our environment. Imagine a world where it wasn't possible to feel anger at injustice? or grief because of the loss of a loved one? or excitement because of a new job? or butterflies in your tummy for someone you love? Bland, right? 

Now that we know that it is okay to feel. You may have admitted that you're down or maybe you've been down on and off. If I must also be honest with you all, I have also been down, on and off, bouts of anxiety and worry springing up every now and then, for almost a year now. So, before writing this post, I contemplated long and hard: am I really in the best position to write this? I mean I'm not there yet, but too often we like to share testimonies after our breakthrough, but something I've also learned is that there is strength and joy in sharing along the journey. So, my first message to you today is that, it's okay to feel down, but don't stay down. God's desire for us as His children is to be joyful. Philippians 4:4 says, "Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!" Isn't it ironic that Paul wrote these words in prison? Which means that in spite of the gloominess of your situation right now, you can find joy in the LORD. I put that in caps for emphasis. I've truly realized that it is only in Jesus our joy is full. Circumstances change and people change, but the only thing that remains constant is God's love. Nothing can separate us from that marvelous love (Romans 8:31-39).

Depression can be a pretty lonely road, because sometimes you don't know who to talk to that will truly understand, or maybe you do but don't want to burden others with your problem, so you feel like you're at a dead end. But that's not true. I strongly encourage seeking professional help if needed, but let's not substitute that for the healing power of God. Talk to people, but more importantly talk to God. I recently started journaling and it has helped me to unburden and pour out my heart to God. It really is okay to bare it all before Him. King David, one of the great men of faith, did just that through his psalms.  God doesn't want us carrying burdens, rather he wants us to cast them (1 Peter 5:7). He sees what you're going through and he cares. He "is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit" (Psalm 34:18).

Depression is the Devil's way of getting people to self-destruct. Because whenever we're down, we're unproductive, bitter, resentful, and regretful. It is no wonder why some people even go as far as contemplating or committing suicide. But our reality as believers is that we are never without hope. "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11). So, knowing that our troubles are transient, our response should be praise. I love the part of Dunsin Oyekan's "Fragance to Fire" song which says, "my worship is my weapon, this is how I win my battles", because it is true. Studying the bible, we see several instances of praise being used as a weapon of warfare (the Israelites and the wall of Jericho, Paul & Silas in Prison, King Jehoshaphat and the Moabite army). A common theme in these stories is that these people were in seemingly difficult situations, but God showed up and showed out! So, whenever you feel down, just turn on some worship music and sing out loud to drown the voice of the enemy. Dance around if you need to. Lift up your hands even as a sign of total surrender to God.

Finally, trust God. Trust in God isn't something we muster up from within, it comes by meditating on His word, that is, spending time with his person because God is the word (John 1:1). Isn't it interesting that many times symptoms of anxiety and depression are higher whenever we've been lacking in the word? Yup! it's because it's only His word that keeps peace. "You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! (Isaiah 26:3). So, be intentional about fixing your thoughts on Him! 

Thank you Lord that I am not alone. 
Thank you for your love that is unfailing and constant through the ages. 
May I never forget in this time that you are with me. You see me even when other people don't.
Thank you Lord for strength to go through this period and grow through it.
Thank you that my eyes are enlightened and I know what to do.
Thank you for your wisdom to navigate this period of my life.
Thank you that I am victorious over this situation {insert issue} in Jesus Name.
I am a winner!!!

"Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God" (Psalms 42:11).


  1. Very beautiful!!❤️ What I loved most was realizing that it’s okay to feel. However, what matters is what you do with that feeling๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ. Also, I must always “let worship be my weapon!!”

    1. Thank you dear ! Yes! Our worship is a weapon for destroying the forces of the enemy!

  2. "..before writing this post, I contemplated long and hard: am I really in the best position to write this? I mean I'm not there yet, but too often we like to share testimonies after our breakthrough, but something I've also learned is that there is strength and joy in sharing along the journey". I can relate to this lol! Loved this post. Thank you Dara <3

    1. Aww thank you, Bade! May God perfect everything that concerns us :)

  3. Thank you very much for this inspirational write-up my darling Dara. I'm just seeing it for the first time today. Our God never fails! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ He gives beauty for Ashes!๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ hallelujah!๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ❤️❤️๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜


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