
How long, Lord, how long?
I know you're never late but I guess we see time differently
To you a thousand years and a day are the same because you're not bound by time
You live in eternity
So while I watch my clock and count seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months, years....
Waiting for you to show up
You whisper to my worried heart: "I'm right here with you"
Oh I ought to know that by now, we've been friends a long time now
And you're a true friend, one that sticks closer than a brother
But I forgot that so soon....
I got carried away waiting for the arrival of that special gift that I thought you left me
Oh how easy it is to focus on the gift that we miss out on the giver
Oh how easy it is to forget the many mountains you've brought me over
So while I'm in the waiting room,
Help me to see things through your eyes, Lord
Help me to see time through your eyes, Lord
Teach me the lessons you want me to learn
And most importantly, may I never lose sight of your presence
Your presence is everything I need, Yes you are all I need
So, be still my soul and know that God is still God
He never lost control of the wheel.


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