Names of God

Hey lovely people!

It's been a long time:( :( School has been so busy and that's why I haven't posted in a while. However, I'm going to try my best from now on to post at least twice every week :). So today we would be discussing the different names of God.  First off, names  in scripture are very symbolic; they speak to the nature and purpose of something or someone. For example, think about the meaning of the name Jesus, it means savior and that was indeed the reason why Jesus came to the world; to save. Hence, God's different names give us more insight into who he is. Below, I have listed seven names of God I really like because the names of God are very numerous and sometimes words are just not enough to describe who he is. The more time we spend in the word, the more names/ revelation of God's character we would discover. Now, here we go:

Elohim- it means “Creator, Mighty, and Powerful”. Elohim is the plural form of the word El which means power or might. In the Hebrew language, Elohim is used to refer to the almighty God, false gods, angels, and leaders in high positions such as kings and judges. However, when Elohim is used for the Almighty God, it signifies a plural of power and might and it embodies the fullness of God. Elohim refers to the power of God as evident in the creation of the world (Genesis 1:1) .Also, it refers to the trinity as seen in Genesis 1:26 when God says “Let us make man in our image”; “us” attests to the fact that God is not a singular being. God is the father, son, and holy spirit.

El Shaddai –means the “All-Sufficient One “but is translated in English to mean the Almighty God. The Hebrew word “dai” means “to pour out” or  "to heap benefits"so it suggests provision or sustenance (Genesis 42:25-26). The word “shad” means “breasts” so it symbolizes nourishment and supply. When it is coupled with the word “El”, it refers to God as the One who is mighty to nourish, satisfy, and supply (Isaiah 66:10-13).

Adonai- means Lord or Master. It is used first in Genesis 15:2 where God makes His first covenant with Abraham. Adonai was used by the jews as a substitute to Yaweh because they believed the name Yaweh was very sacred and did not want to use it in vain.

Jehovah Jireh- means God will provide. Jehovah means “the Existing One “or “Lord”. Jehovah Jireh is used in Genesis 22:14 by Abraham after God provides a ram in place of Abraham’s son, Isaac who was to be sacrificed.

Jehovah Rapha- means the Lord who heals. It is used in Exodus 15:26 which says “If you will listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in his sight, obeying his commands and keeping all his decrees, then I will not make you suffer any of the diseases I sent on the Egyptians; for I am the LORD who heals you." (NLT)

Jehovah Shalom- means the Lord is peace. It is the name Gideon gives to the altar in Judges 6:24 after God assures him that he wouldn’t die even though he had seen God’s face.

Jehovah Rohi – means the Lord our shepherd (Psalm 23:1). David refers to his relationship with God as one between a sheep and a shepherd. When a shepherd is out with his flock, he is responsible for everything about them; green pasture, water, and protection from harm and danger. And that's exactly how God is to us; he guides us, provides for us, and protects us.

The names of God are endless. God can be every and anything we want him to be. He is "I am" (exodus 3:14). Do you feel lonely or unloved? Call him the lover of your soul . Are you heartbroken/sad? He is your joy and comforter. Are you in need of a job? He is your provider and the owner of everything in this world.Whatever situation/circumstance you are in, just call Him whichever name that applies.

Stay blessed!


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