Maintaining Sexual Purity in a Sex-Crazed World: Breaking Sexual Soul Ties

I started this sexual purity series 3 years ago and I just realized I never finished it 🤣. If you've read the previous posts in this series, you'll remember I mentioned that it was going to be a 3-part series, and today I'll be sharing part 3 😊 Yay! Finally! I was reminded about this series because of a post I made on my Instagram page exactly 6 years ago today. You can check out the post here: dara_mamora and follow me in case you're not already👀. Before we get into the topic for today, I'll like to reiterate that the concept of sexual purity isn't just limited to not having sex before marriage as sexual purity is first and foremost a thing of the mind/heart because sex doesn't just happen. Before the actual act, certain seeds were planted in the mind that facilitated the action. Seemingly innocent acts of listening to a kind of music, watching a certain movie/show, reading a type of book, hanging out with a friend/certain group of friends can lure us ...