God loves me so who am I not to love myself?

Hi lovely people! I know I've been MIA and I honestly have no excuse so I won't even try to give one. But thank God for the STRONG inspiration to write today :). I emphasize strong because I've felt God speaking to me in the last few days about self-love and just embracing how He has made me. Today, I was watching a video on Ashley Empowers youtube channel (side note: go check her out, she's so inspiring!) and the video resonated with me on so many levels. The video was based off a question a lady had sent to Ashley and basically the lady was wondering if she'll ever find love as a plus-sized woman. She's in her 30s and now considering losing weight so she can find a man. Sure you guys may be wondering why this resonated with skinny Dara lol. But yes it did because it took me back to my teenage years when I was still in highschool and used to be so insecure about my weight. I was super skinny and the smallest girl in my year. I was made fun of, called...