Who is God?

First things first, God exists. Psalm 14:1 says that only fools believe that there is no God. Though we cannot see him with our physical eyes, we certainly can see the works of his hands. Just think about the unique design of the earth; it has the right mixture of atmospheric gases, the right amount of water and appropriate temperatures to enable humans live and function. No other planet is designed for human existence like earth. Think about water: a colorless, odorless, and tasteless liquid no living thing can do without. Plants, animals, and humans all need water to survive. Think about the seasons and how they change. In winter, it is all cold and gloomy, the leaves drop and flowers wilt and by spring everything just comes back to life. Think about the human brain and how it is able to absorb so much information.We have learned so much from the time we were born up until now and we can still vividly remember some events that occurred when we were really young. E.g I sti...