Why am I a Christian?

Hey lovely people! Today I'll be sharing something that was very heavy on my heart when I woke up this morning. So last night, I had a dream in which my siblings and I were having this conversation which is the title of this post "Why am I a Christian?". I remember my response was something along these lines "I am a christian because I am accepted, I did not do anything to earn God's love but yet he chose to save me". "God loves me just as I am. In him, my past doesn't matter". "He keeps coming through for me in the darkest times, in situations I never thought I'll make it through". So I woke up this morning with a fresh awareness of God's love because even though it was me making those statements in my dream, I believe it was God talking through me reminding me that He loves me! I remember reading somewhere that the difference between Christianity and other religions is that it's the only religion where we s...