God First!

"God first" has become the popular quote used by people on their Instagram profiles. It is so loosely used that people don't even really realize what it is to actually put God first. We are all in some way guilty or have been guilty of saying "God first" but our actions reflecting otherwise. We have let that job, school, boyfriend, girlfriend, TV show or hobby take the place of God in our lives. We don't spend time in the word or in prayer or we don't want to attend church/fellowship because we believe all these activities are just going to take up our time and we're very "busy" people so we don't have time to "waste". But the truth is that we create time for the things we value no matter how busy we are and that is why we're still able to watch our favorite TV shows or hang out with those special people in our lives even after a hectic day at school or at work. Same thing goes for God, if we really do value him/love ...